Perfusion Concepts, Inc. is at the forefront of regenerative and reparative therapies in human and veterinary medicine.  Our specialty is to use the individual’s own cells in what is called AUTOLOGOUS BLOOD THERAPIES.  These include platelet rich plasma, platelet gel and adult bone marrow-derived stem cells.

Autologous blood therapies have become recognized by the medical and veterinary community as tremendously beneficial in the expeditious and successful healing of a variety of wounds and injuries.  Naturally occurring cells within the body (image left) and adult bone marrow have tremendous healing capabilities.  Platelets and white blood cells from the blood are used in platelet therapies for wound and tendon healing.  Adult stem cells collected from the bone marrow are used for soft (tendon, ligament) and hard tissue (bone) injuries.  By using one’s own blood cells, wounds heal faster and more naturally with less risk of infection.

Our patients include people, beloved family pets and internationally acclaimed performance horses.  We offer our clients—whether human or animal—the safest and most current technologies to accelerate healing through our varied services while offering a commitment to quality and service excellence.

Explore more about who we are and what we have to offer!